Brian answered all my questions at diyAudio, thank you very much Brian. I post here to help anybody with the same problem like me
1/ Kit comes with 10 resistors, have I to populate R1-7?
You only need to add resistors for the channels you plan on using (R1 and R2) but there is no harm in adding them all.
2/ What's the power consumption?
Not sure off the top of my head, but <100mA IIRC. I can check but will depend on the clocks you use.
3/ Wich one is channel Left & Right for D1 & D2?
Um, not sure.
4/ What is the 3 holes MCK jumper position set up for DSD using 22,XXX & 24,XXX clocks
MCK+ (works for 99% of applications)
5/ What are the 6 holes HMCK_SEL the jumper position set up for DSD using 22,XXX & 24,XXX clocks
6/ Just curiosity. What's the pourpose for 0_D8 & 0_D7 holes?
Access to unused header pins.
7/ I don't use Hermes, what pins have I to use for Cronus input MCK, LRCK, BCK & DATA?
For DSD you only need D1 D2 and DCK. On Amanero that's DCK:BCK(Pin4), D1:FSCK(Pin5), D2ATA(Pin3) ** I think, been a while and I don;t use DSD
Thanks again & best regards
Edited by user 5 years ago
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