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Hi Mr. Russ & Mr. Brian, I'm having a problem with ballsie lite, it doesn't give any sound at all. But something weird when I uninstalled the 2227 opamp, it gives me sound. Can you give me solutions about this problem? Thanks before for your attention. Cheers, Nicko Edited by user Thursday, August 18, 2011 7:49:50 PM(UTC)
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Is your Ballsie Lite the stand alone version? If it is, the OPA2227PA is no a buffer! It is an opamp for performing the conversion from balanced input to single ended output.
It does not make sense that there is sound without the OPA2227PA opamp. How did you wire the Ballsie Lite with your other components? Picture(s) would be very helpful for possible problem isolation.
Good luck, Milton
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Yes the Ballsie Lite cannot operate without the opamp. :)
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i'm sorry, mine is ballsie lite so it is an opamp, It is real that without the opamp the ballsie gave me sound, but when i try to install it again then again the sound is gone. The ballsie receive output directly from 8740 Opus. In the picture i only installed left channel from the Opus to give it a try. I didn't take the whole picture setup, but i already tried the Left and Right channel by left the opamp and it worked. I know it sound weird but it did happen when i thought the ballsie is dead. Sorry for the confusing words, i really terrible in english. thanks, Nicko
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Hi Nicko, I would not be able to help on sound outputting without the opamp! Hope Russ or Brian can comment on this based on their knowledge of their design. One question to you is that is the sound sound ok to you (enough gain?) I believe there is still signal coming from the Opus! One thing you can double check is that please making sure the opamp is installed with the proper orientation! Do you see the DOT? Good luck, Milton Edited by user Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:17:05 PM(UTC)
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Hi Milton, about the gain, i think about the same if i directly connect from Opus output. About the orientation of the opamp, i'm very sure that in the right orientation, and i've already tried with another but same type of opamp and give the same result.
thanks, Nicko
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Hi Nicko,
Which power supply are you using? What is the voltage coming into the Bellise Lite which requires 12 to 15vdc?
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Hi again Milton, i'm using LCBPS (Bi Polar) and i set to 12 vdc from + and - output.
thanks, Nicko
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Hi Nicko, Hum, I am not sure that I can be any more help to you at this point. One other thing you may like to try that is to measure the voltage from pin 8 (V+) and pin 4 (V-) at the DIP-8 socket and to see you get the proper voltage (12v). Please look at the OPA2227PA spec sheet for more information. By the way, can you really connect to the Bellise Lite directly from the Opus DAC? Don't you need one of the IVY III or the Legato 3.1 I/V stage? Good luck, Milton Edited by user Thursday, August 18, 2011 11:48:43 PM(UTC)
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Hi Milton, I will try to measure it later, did i do something wrong about connect to Ballsie Lite directly to Opus? Because i read about it on the Ballsie page that says it convert Balanced output from the DAC (not mention type of the DAC) to SE. But i remembered read it somewhere that allow the setup to happen.
thanks, Nicko
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No, you can connect it directly, that will not cause a problem.
For your power supply, do you mean 12V from + the GND, and 12V from - to GND? Or 12V from + to -?
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Hi Mr Brian, so i'm not making mistake on the setup, for the power supply i mean +12 Vdc from + to G and -12 Vdc from - to G. Is that right? My full setup photo  Edited by user Friday, August 19, 2011 6:18:52 AM(UTC)
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Hi Milton, about the voltage measurement on the pin 8 and pin 4, i got 17.xx Volt result, i guess it's quite high from the proper voltage that you said it should be (12v)? Is it the problem? I don't have knowledge about electronics, so about the information from the spec sheet may confusing me too much :D thanks, Nicko Audiblesoundwave wrote:Hi Nicko,
Hum, I am not sure that I can be any more help to you at this point. One other thing you may like to try that is to measure the voltage from pin 8 (V+) and pin 4 (V-) at the DIP-8 socket and to see you get the proper voltage (12v). Please look at the OPA2227PA spec sheet for more information.
By the way, can you really connect to the Bellise Lite directly from the Opus DAC? Don't you need one of the IVY III or the Legato 3.1 I/V stage?
Good luck, Milton
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Sorry Nicko! I am not sure I can be more helpful anymore. Hope Brian or Russ comes back to you on this.
17v seems high! How did you measure the Pin 8 (V+) and Pin 4 (V-)?
Good luck, Milton
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It's ok Milton, thanks for your response and advice for my problem. I used my digital multimeter to measure the voltage on pin 8 and pin 4 using the polarity you suggest.
thanks, Nicko
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The reason you are getting some music through even without the opamp is because it it flowing through the feedback resistors to the output.But this is far from ideal as it is only one phase. Please confirm the voltage of each supply to GND. It should be +/- 12 to 15Vdc Edited by user Friday, August 19, 2011 1:43:27 PM(UTC)
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Hi Mr Russ, The voltage to GND is +12.xx and -12.xx I wanna buy another Ballsie but it seems that it out of stock right now?
thanks, Nicko
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Hi Nicko,
I think that is a good idea to purchase another one which isn't that expensive comparing to other components. It may not worth your time for $35 + shipping. Not sure your location but it may be still cheaper. The Ballsie Lite is pretty straight forward and simple comparing to other parts. I was lucky that putting my Ballsie Lite together and got it working first time.
Have fun and enjoy the Ballsie Lite! I like mine!
Have a wonderful weekend, Milton
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Hi Milton, yeah i think i will order another one, but the stock is out right now. Wanna feel the different experience by using Ballsie Lite to my setup. But i'm in Indonesia and don't know how much the shipping cost will be. Thanks for your response for my problem.
Have a wonderful weekend too. cheers, Nicko
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Why not just replace the opamp?
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