The existing Buffalo III SEpro does not support dual mono readily.
I wonder if I can use a DSP to allocate the left channel signal to the left/right channel of a SPDIF signal. And then allocate right channel signal to the left/right channel of another SPDIF signal.
A SPDIF with left signal on both the left/right channel within that spdif. This then connect to a Buffalo III SEpro.
A SPDIF with right signal on both the left/right channel within that spdif. This then connect to another Buffalo III SEpro.
And then I connect the left/right output of the left signal Buffalo board together. I do the same to the right signal Buffalo board. I can then achieve duo mono using 2 Buffalo III SEpro boards.
I use the same approach to build this DAC as my previous Buffalo III SEPro dac. Please see this link:
http://www.twistedpearau...8-Buffalo-III-SE-projectThis time I go one step further, there are 4 battery banks for each channel. The oscillator also get its own dedicated battery bank this time. Each analog power input has its own regulators from a separate dedicated battery bank. And then the remaining power supply has separate Trident regulators from a dedicated power bank. For the analog power input, the LT3045 was set to 3.6V. Just like the trident regulator being supplied. Also the analog power inputs were bypassed with Elna Silmic caps. In total, I use 8 separate battery power banks for this DAC for left and right channel.
The DSP I used, is the nanodigit from Minidsp. Unfortunately this product is no longer available.
There is one further advantage using this approach. The 2 SPDIF output from nanodigit does not share ground as they use separate SPDIF output TX. (you can argue that they share ground before they were isolated) And the left and right Buffalo III SEpro do not share ground either.
This DAC will directly drive the power amp. With true mono block power amplifier, you basically get the best separation of left and right channel.
I have seen many comments that you don’t need dual mono for ES9038pro dac chip because each of the 8 dac within a single ES9038pro can have an output current of 16mA. Thus by combining 4 dacs to left and 4 dac to right channel, it is far more than sufficient.
As my DAC output use only an output transformer, this duo mono setup has made considerable improvement compare to my previous single Buffalo III SEpro DAC (also built using battery banks). This is the best DAC I have ever heard in my life in every listening category.
I also believe that this huge current output of ES9038pro (with all 8 DAC output together) has make the idea of current output dac with only output transformers works to the best performance.

dual buffalo III.jpg
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