Hi, I have the following questions in regards to Legato 3.1.
Supply is +/-15V from Placid HD.
Only balanced connections used, so omitting SE Diamond buffer, SE opamp, switch, resistors R17-R26, R26 and R33 and VR3, VR4. No jumper in J5 and J6?. In the 3.1 Draft Manual it's not very clear as " Completely mitting the opamp and BAL/SE ", it does not list install J5 J6).
Most of the heat dissipation comes from the resistors R1-R4 and R9 to R16. Do these need to be 1/2w, 1w? Can I get away with low PPM high grade 1/4w standing up in a well ventilated box? (Going to 2Vrms and or compensating for channel bundle in the DAC, the parts that calculate are hard to come by in larger than 1/4w and I have a few on hand.) I don't think but worth to ask, if the power dissipation on the resistors would be less since there is no SE parts populated?
Going to 2Vrms, and compensating for the lower output when the Buffalo is in 4 CH mode, I will be using:
R1-R4 ~375ohm (1/4w?)
R9-R16 ~1.68kohm (1/4w?)
C1-C4 ~750pF (?)
Would a mica capacitor work well in C1-C4 such as this:
http://www.mouser.com/Pr...HR6imeh%2fPW5jCaKHzTk%3dUnderstanding that the optimum is 1.5v what should one expect from going to 2vrms? THD+N?
I will be building a few of these boards to figure all this out and have some of the parts extra so will get at least one board without the kit to experiment. I would like some recommendation on readily available substitutes and perhaps and upgrade for a few components:
http://www.mouser.com/Se...4DwOM46%2fg9NzWlqQ%3d%3dhttp://www.mouser.com/Se...VN%252bMZCp61iKcZg%3d%3dhttp://www.mouser.com/Se...q5eNvNWjETC0xY1d6w%3d%3dAny other components that may result in SQ improvement? For example I have some DC coupling caps with lower ESR, sadly they don't fit.
C5-C6? upgrade?
QP1-QP12 upgrade?
Assuming that DC can be completely removed, but still using the Legato into an input that is sensitive to DC such as Hyphex Ncore 400, do you still recommend a cap on the balanced outputs? (From years of speaker XO upgrades I learned to hate CAP's in the signal path, but could use some Audyn Copper, Jentzen Z super or Silver at a very low value lets say 0.22uF. The higher corner frequency would not matter since these outputs will strictly be driving mid and tweeter. But would like to avoid the cap as much as possible as even the very best ones will "color" the sound.
Same goes for a transformer. (I've learned that by using many different mic pre's with or without).
This should have been a multi part message, but perhaps someone has a BOM that is exactly what I'm looking for.
Edited by user Sunday, November 30, 2014 11:24:19 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified