I recently assembled a Buffalo III + Placid HD + Placid HD BP + IVY DAC.
I have found a broad lack of qualitative descriptions of the sound of the buffalo kits, so here is my experience.
I tested only using the single ended output of the IVY stage.
Voltage and current settings in the supplies are as per the integration guide.
Output was set to 0.7Vrms approx. based on some advices on this forum.
Until now, I've listened in the following systems configurations:
System 1:
Modjeski RM-10 (EL-84 Push Pull)
Avant gard Duo horns
(Here we also compared performace with an Audio Aero DAC)
System 2:
Vintage Packard Bell EL84 Push Pull
DIY Saba Greencones Openbaffle (Lukas Fikus project)
(here I also compared with Gigaworks DAC CS8416+PCM1798)
System 3:
Vintage Magnabox 6aq5 Push Pull
DIY Saba Greencones Openbaffle (Lukas Fikus project)
(here I also compared with Gigaworks DAC CS8416+PCM1798)
Based on some listening on those 3 system configurations, and comparisons with the other 2 dacs mentioned before, my impresons is that this Buffalo with IVY stage configuration has:
great detail,
great soundstage,
great bass resolution
great highs resolution
great dynamics
so lots of potential to be a killer DAC.
too much highs and bass turns out to kill the mid (vocals), so it doesn't sound very musical or pleasant to me, you can get tired of listening to the music, basicly because highs seem to have lots of detail but too much SPL compared with mid freqs.
This DAC seems to have great attributes, everything is there, so the DAC seems to have lots of potential. I just don't know if the IVY stage is right for me, and I would like to tweak or change the I/V stage to get the sound I am looking for.
If I could put the sound of the mid (vocals) in front and maybe reduce the strenght of the highs and bass a little bit, I think that the IVY could sound better on the systems I tested.
Someone knows how to tweak IVY to get this behaviour?
Right now I bought a Legato stage, based on comments about better midrage and I expect to get better results with this one.
This is just my opinion about IVY sound. I see qualitative opinions as possitive and constructive feedback.
It can't be just a matter of taste here, there is correct and incorrect sound reproductions.
If you have more detail based on more SPL in high frequencies, it sounds great but in my opinion it can sound aggresive and get you tired.
I will really appreciate other opinions about my experience or ideas to tweak it in my desired direction.
Thanks in advance and thank to the disigners of this great DIY DAC modules.
Edited by user 12 years ago
| Reason: Not specified