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S Clark  
#1 Posted : Saturday, July 2, 2011 2:57:40 PM(UTC)
S Clark

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I have an early buffalo dac (V.12???) and an IVY V 2.01 that I had been quite happy with until it stopped playing last week. I'm not an electronics guy, but ran some test with a VOM with over the phone instructions from a friend to find that all power going in seems ok. The unit appears to sync, but there was no output. My friend sent me a loud 1KHz cd and had me move the wires for the RCA output to a different G and + on the same connector block, turn down the amp, and listen for a signal. Nothing, except a turnon thump (which is more than I had before). I turned the amp up and low and behold, a very weak signal comes through. I moved the wires back to the original positions and turned up the amp, and where I had thought that there was nothing was a low volume signal- both with the test cd and music. My friend had said "Relay or op amp" was most likely, but I haven't a clue. Is the original old IVY still available, or is there anyway send this one to someone to trouble shoot?

S Clark  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:03:27 AM(UTC)
S Clark

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Since I have gotten no replies, let me approach this from a different angle. Based on what the symptoms are:
1. Would you guys recommend replacing the IVY, and..
2. Would anyone have an early IVY for sale?
3. If there are no early versions available, should I get an IVY III?

#3 Posted: : Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:09:39 AM(UTC)

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You can check the DAC by removing the IVY and driving the preamp/amp directly from the DAC. The DAC has a differential output (+ gnd -). If you don't have balanced gear, connect the + and gnd to the next stage and see if there is sound.
S Clark  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:12:43 AM(UTC)
S Clark

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Thanks glt. I'll try it and get back to you.
#5 Posted : Tuesday, July 5, 2011 4:18:32 PM(UTC)

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If your IVY is broken, it should be possible to repair. Both relay and OPAMPS are replaceable. Just find some local electronics guy to do it for you. If you are inexperienced it's easy to destroy pads, board and nearby components when desoldering SMD devices. That said; the IVY III should be a good upgrade.
If you need to buy a new and for some reason absolutely need the older version, you can contact me. I have one complete v 2.01 unused, unassembled even.
S Clark  
#6 Posted : Saturday, July 9, 2011 3:38:03 PM(UTC)
S Clark

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I've got an IVY III on the way. Hopefully, the problem is in the old unit. If not, I'll be part way to upgrading to the latest version of the Buffalo dac.
S Clark  
#7 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 6:40:26 PM(UTC)
S Clark

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Well, as carefully as I could, color coding wires, disconnecting one wire at a time, and reconnecting it, I replaced the old IVY 2 with an IVY III. Whereas before, I had a sync lite and a very, very faint signal, now I have nothing. I have posted photos over at Audio Circle that you can see here... http://www.twistedpearau....com/linestages/ivy.aspx
Does anyone see an error?
S Clark  
#8 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:05:29 PM(UTC)
S Clark

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Also, one of the guys over on Audio Circle had asked...
The TPA documentation is a bit confusing, but I think the Buffalo board is configured as a current output device, not voltage output. There are four DAC outputs in parallel for each channel.

This means that the Buffalo uses the IVYIII board current inputs. The manual looks like it is setup to support the Buffalo via the pin inputs not the screw terminals. I would ask TPA if that is the case."
Any answers?

Russ White  
#9 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:24:18 PM(UTC)
Russ White

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The pin inputs and the screw terminal inputs are in the same spot... Can you show us a photo of how you have things connected?
S Clark  
#10 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 9:00:50 PM(UTC)
S Clark

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Thanks for your reply. I have a series of photos in the Audio Circle gallery. See http://www.audiocircle.c...gallery;sa=album;id=7396

This worked well for a couple of years, and then it went dead, in spite of the "Sync" light being lit. I have not changed any wiring of the Buffalo board, and think that I have hooked up the new IVY correctly. Now it is showing power, but no sync or automute light come on.

Russ White  
#11 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 9:39:36 PM(UTC)
Russ White

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If you are using the inputs as you have shown you will need to make R32-R35 jumpers. 0-Ohms.
S Clark  
#12 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 7:53:54 AM(UTC)
S Clark

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Russ White wrote:
If you are using the inputs as you have shown you will need to make R32-R35 jumpers. 0-Ohms.

I assume it is best to remove the resistors and replace them with a bit of copper wire. You say "Using the inputs as shown", is there a different/better way to connect the Buffalo 1 with the IVY III?

Ok, I tried jumping the resistors with Alligator clip jumpers, just to see if it would work, jumping across the R32 and the R35. Still no sync, no sound. What's next?

Edited by user Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:24:14 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Russ White  
#13 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:43:38 AM(UTC)
Russ White

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Yes, at the terminal block spots marked I_IN_R and I_IN_L :) I is the electrical symbol for current.

You currently have pin headers installed in those spoys, which is fine in anticipation of Bufallo III. Then you cam stack your buf III on top when you replace the buf I.
S Clark  
#14 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 9:00:55 AM(UTC)
S Clark

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Russ White wrote:
Yes, at the terminal block spots marked I_IN_R and I_IN_L :) .
I assume you mean that the resistors are near the terminal block, not that jumpers are to be used at the terminal block itself.
Jumping each resistor with Alligator clips jumpers should have worked for testing purposes. If one did not make good contact, would the other channel have still worked? As it stands, we still haven't found the problem, but thanks for the help. I'll keep trying if you can keep the suggestions coming.

Edited by user Saturday, July 16, 2011 9:06:57 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#15 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 11:49:47 AM(UTC)

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What Russ means (I think) is that its easier to connect a current output DAC to the I_IN_R and I_IN_L headers instead of the input-terminals that you have used. Those are intended for voltage output DAC's.
That said the Buffalo should work in both settings, since it is sort of both current and voltage output, depending on the input Z of the I/V stage.
When you jumper the resistors you have to jumper all four R32, 33, 34 and 35. Other than that; double check all connections both signal and power. Double check orientation of components (caps, opamps, relay). Check voltage on powerlines. Good pictures of top and bottom of the board might be helpful.
Btw; Did you check your buffalo according to glt's suggestion?

Edited by user Saturday, July 16, 2011 11:53:25 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Russ White  
#16 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:17:42 PM(UTC)
Russ White

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Remember if you test the DAC output directly to use a coupling cap.
#17 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 6:14:21 PM(UTC)

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I will take a look at Scott's Buffalo DAC and see what I can find.

Will start with using the DAC output directly with coupling caps to see if I get any signal.

The odd thing is that it no longer syncs to an incoming S/PDIF signal from what Scott has posted. He checked the input switch and it is in S/PDIF mode.

The original IVY board is also coming so I can check that as well. Will work on getting the IVYIII current inputs tied to the Buffalo output.

Edited by user Thursday, July 21, 2011 3:25:26 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#18 Posted : Sunday, July 24, 2011 12:47:52 PM(UTC)

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The Buffalo DAC arrived in fine condition.

Found the issue with the Buffalo board. The +6VDC regulator output wire had broken, so no power was getting to the DAC board. Resoldered the wire and have Automute and Sync working when no input or giving it a coaxial S/PDIF input.

Ran a 16bit/44.1KHz -6dBFS 997Hz sinewave through both channels. Get about 150mV P-P sinewave on the O'scope. So looks like the DAC board is running. Not sure what signal output level should be but it has output.

The DAC outputs were wired to the IVYIII voltage input terminals. Will try jumpering the gain resistors and see what I get. Do not want to mess up the wire headers in case Scott wants to use it with the BIII when available.

Getting closer!

Edited by user Sunday, July 24, 2011 1:45:59 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#19 Posted : Sunday, July 24, 2011 2:40:12 PM(UTC)

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Found a couple of bad solder joints on the voltage input connector and resoldered them.

Jumpered R32-R35 to make it a current input as well.

Wired the R-L backwards to make the connector wiring fit. Hooked it up to the O'scope and looks like it is working with the sinewave.

Will hook it up after dinner and see if it makes music!

#20 Posted : Sunday, July 24, 2011 6:32:14 PM(UTC)

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It is making music again!

Just need to arrange with Scott to ship it back.

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